Ardmair Bay House
Ardmair Bay House provides many of the luxuries of a boutique hotel, with the relaxed, comfortable and informal atmosphere of a holiday home ~ all set ...
.. m a d e f o r b i k e r s , b o r n i n b r i t a i n .. made for bikers, born in britain _
Red Torpedo is the premier UK Casual Apparel Brand for Bikers. atalanta has been guiding the brand since its inception, and TALISMAN has been there to help along the way.
With TT Road Racing and Superbike riders Guy Martin, John McGuinness and Conor Cummins on board as brand ambassadors, this is a brand we were delighted to create for.
mark seager ..
chris blott .. chrisblott.com_
peter faragher ..
atalanta ..
gear with grit-- Red Torpedo wanted a grungy look for their ‘Buzz Book.’ No problem .. merging strong photography and distressed fonts & graphics, the perfect grit for a motorbike brand is born.
Ace flyer-- Red Torpedo teamed up with the Ace Cafe London for a special promo event at the yearly Isle of Man TT.
We designed this Ace Cafe themed flyer to fit nicely in your pocket, (of your leathers of course).
Seasonal Look Book-- the Red Torpedo Buzz Book showcases the latest and incoming range of gear available to you, and yours. Also available online at redtorpedo.com_
love what you see? then get in touch here_
this could be the start of a beautiful and productive relationship_