University of the West of Scotland
For this University of the West of Scotland (UWS) project, TALISMAN worked in conjunction with atalanta and combined digital printing with generative art to produce ...
.. " r a c i n g i s m y h o b b y " .. "racing is my hobby" _
Guy Martin. Speed demon, superbike road racer, engine builder, mountain biker, tea junkie, TV celebrity… is there no limit to this man’s talents?
When Guy needed an update to his website,
we worked in conjunction with atalanta and were
1st on the grid, enthusiastically revving our engines.
Known for his hands-on approach and a grime
king work ethic, we put together a design for Guy’s website that speaks to his fans and reflects his maverick personality.
As Guy would say “Job’s a good one boss!”
We agree.
mark seager ..
chris blott .. chrisblott.com_
peter faragher ..
atalanta ..
Hot on the heels of success of the isle of man road racing
film -- TT Closer to the Edge -- Guy’s celebrity status was
reinforced and supported by the updated website.
We also designed a range of tees which were a big success
at the yearly isle of man TT and at British Superbike races.
No self-respecting Guy Martin fan should leave home without one. Or two for that matter.
Get yours at redtorpedo.com_
visit the site .. what you see? then get in touch here_
this could be the start of a beautiful and productive relationship_