Red Torpedo
Red Torpedo is the premier UK Casual Apparel Brand for Bikers. atalanta has been guiding the brand since its inception, and TALISMAN has been there ...
.. m a k e s y o u f e e l s p e c i a l .. makes you feel special _
In need of refresh to their existing brand and website, Dakota Hotels also required the rollout of their new sister brand ~ Dakota Deluxe. Keeping them both under the same brand family tree was deemed essential so as not to dilute the existing Dakota brand.
TALISMAN worked in conjunction with atalanta to create a solution_ the relaunch of a new responsive website differentiating the primary brands using a black / white colour theme.
The branded ‘makes you feel special’ website now features access to all existing hotels. The original hotels – Dakota Edinburgh and Eurocentral are now recognised under the white theme. With the sister-branded Dakota Deluxe Glasgow and Leeds Hotels incorporating a luxurious black theme.
mark seager ..
chris blott .. chrisblott.com_
atalanta ..
We established a black / white theme throughout the website to distinguish the newly launched, premium DAKOTA DELUXE branding, from the core DAKOTA brand.
visit the site .. what you see? then get in touch here_
this could be the start of a beautiful and productive relationship_